I feel like new again with my new knee joint.
Below you find the most commonly asked questions by patients and the corresponding expert answers. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to take time for you.
The fact that we are implanting a made to measure arthroplasty does not change the situation that it is a major procedure. For the first 6 weeks your knee has priority.Thanks to modern methods it is often possible for us to keep pain and swelling to a moderate amount. Therefore, you can soon achieve good mobility (flexion more than110°, full extension). Afterwards it is all about building strength and gaining back co-ordination. Depending on the initial situation, it can take longer or shorter until the first goals are met.Most patients come to their first check-up after 6 weeks, without crutches. Many are very satisfied after the four-month check-up and very often the goal has been met after one year. Many patients are no longer sure which side was actually affected.