I feel like new again with my new knee joint.
Below you find the most commonly asked questions by patients and the corresponding expert answers. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to take time for you.
As soon as you have decided to get a made-to-measure implant, we will register you for an MRI or CT scan. Afterwards you will meet Prof. Arnold to discuss the details and for the explanation of the operation. At the same time the permission for production of the implant and the accompanying materials will be given. Depending on the product, delivery time in most cases will be about 6 weeks.
You will arrive at the clinic on the operation day. You will stay approximately four to five days. During the first phase after surgery we will concentrate on pain reduction and increasing mobility. Six weeks after the operation you will come in for a check-up. Most patients go to this check-up without crutches. Four months after the operation you will have completed the main portion of the work on your knee project.